Most Pupular

Most Pupular

Check out this list of the most popular videos chosen by our viewers. What's your favourite?

Most Pupular
  • Functional Stretching and Strengthening

    This video demonstrates a unique functional sequence of stretching and strengthening exercises for over 50 muscles and includes many functional exercises and therapist assisted stretches.
    Benefits include:

    To improve posture
    Alleviate patterns of chronic strain/pain
    Promote muscle balance
    Off se...

  • CMTV EP 10

    Oils, Fats and the controversial Seed oils

    Ultra-processed food can be defined as foods that are highly altered and typically contain a lot of added salt, sugar, fat, and industrial chemical additives

    Salt - Mined salt and salt containing anti-...

  • Brachial Bother

    4 items

    In this series, we will delve into neck and shoulder issues by addressing each of the two most important muscles in these areas, Anterior Scalene & Bicep Brachii. Understanding the typical dysfunctional patterns in these commonly problematic areas will enable you to quickly, safely and effectivel...

  • RICE is for Eating

  • Thoracic Facet A&P '24

  • Piriformis Paradox trailer

    Coming to Watch HCD on the 1st of August 2024

  • Corrective Manual Therapy upper body techniques

  • Conditioning Back Massage

  • Hand Reflexology guidelines & zones

    In this video, Alison provides detailed instructions on the bony landmarks used to accurately identify the location of the Reflex Guidelines and Zones in the hand.

  • Therapist self treatment

    In this presentation we will demonstrate a range of self care techniques that target the most commonly dysfunctional tissues to alleviate chronic pain for therapists and provide for a long and successful career. These will include hands on techniques, the use of time efficient and targeted stretc...

  • Shin Splints Assessment

  • CMTV #9

    In this episode of CMTV, Alison discusses Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDC's) while Aubrey highlights two muscles that contribute to pain at the back of the knee.