Functional Stretching & Strength
Most Pupular
This video demonstrates a unique functional sequence of stretching and strengthening exercises for over 50 muscles and includes many functional exercises and therapist assisted stretches.
Benefits include:
To improve posture
Alleviate patterns of chronic strain/pain
Promote muscle balance
Off set the negative effects of poor work ergonomics
Improve sports performance
Reduce the risk of sports injuries
Maintain the effects of Therapeutic and Sports Massage
This exercise demonstration will include the most up to date, internationally accepted information on Active Isolated Stretching and the use of resistance bands for strength and conditioning exercises.
This video is intended as a guide to stretching and Strength training to encourage muscle balance.
If you have any concerns or pre-existing health problems please consult your Doctor or another health care professional before undertaking any of these exercises.
Alison Kavanagh and Aubrey Gowing are the directors of Holistic College Dublin and have provided comprehensive, professional training for 35 years, in a wide range of therapies from foundation courses to the most advanced clinical and therapeutic training in Ireland.
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