Brachial Bother
4 items
In this series, we will delve into neck and shoulder issues by addressing each of the two most important muscles in these areas, Anterior Scalene & Bicep Brachii. Understanding the typical dysfunctional patterns in these commonly problematic areas will enable you to quickly, safely and effectivel...
Locking Lumbars
4 items
September 4th - In this presentation, we will investigate the impact of Psoas and Multifidus dysfunction on facet function, disc pathology and back pain. Understanding the typical dysfunctional patterns in these important spinal muscles, and how to treat them is the key to quickly unlocking chron...
RICE is for Eating
CMTV #7 Quality of life, the Elderly and Augmented Reality!
In episode 7, we chat with Ann Davey, CEO of Massage & Myotherapy Australia, about new developments and upcoming collaborative projects we are working on.Ali discusses factors that influence Quality of life, issues for the Aging popula...
Piriformis Paradox intro
Piriformis Paradox Assessment
Piriformis Paradox Treatment
Piriformis Paradox Home Retraining