The ‘Golden Rules’ of Stretching.
The purpose is to restore muscle resting length
The benefits; improved tissue hydration, restore glide, release Knots (Ep #6) resolve inflammation, restore normal ROM, to reduce nerve compression, tethering and irritation.
How to: Non-weight bearing, contract antagonist, mild stretch feeling, gentle deepening (stretch rope etc.)
Topic 2 Misunderstandings based on imprecise language; Nomenclature and terminology
‘Rhomboids are Lazy’
Only tight muscles develop adhesions
Stretch a weak muscle
Rhomboids tend to be weak and neurologically inhibited
Adhesions can form due to lack of variety of movement in tight or weak muscles and are common after injury, surgery and infection.
Weak muscles will benefit from strength training, ideally after the tight opposing muscle has been stretched to restore normal resting length and tone
Up Next in Season 1
CMTV Episode 11
Arthritis, Inflammation & Injury
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