CMTV Episode 11
CMTV Podcast
Arthritis, Inflammation & Injury
Inflammation is your immune system's response to injury or infection
Inflammation occurs when the body releases chemicals that trigger an immune response to fight off infection or heal damaged tissue. Once the injury or infection is healed, the inflammatory process should end.
Signs of inflammation.
Pain, Redness, Heat, Swelling (and can include a 5th sign; loss of function).
Typically associated with acute conditions, but when it persists it can be chronic.
You can reduce chronic inflammation by making lifestyle changes*.
Eat anti-inflammatory foods.
Quit smoking.
Limit or avoid alcohol.
Avoid inflammatory foods.
Practice stress management techniques.
Maintain a healthy weight.
Exercise regularly.
Practice good sleep hygiene.
Inflammatory foods:
Processed meat
Damaged oils (seed oils, hydrogenated oils, deep fried foods); Crisps, crackers, commercial (microwave) popcorn
Processed white flour (breads, pasta, confectionery)
High processed sugar foods; biscuits & cake, fizzy drinks & ‘energy’ drinks
Nightshade foods; contain Solanine acid (affects approximately one in three people, especially Arthritis sufferers) examples would be white potato, tomatoes, Bell peppers, Aubergine, chili flakes & Paprika.
Anti-inflammatory foods:
Olive oil
Oily fish; wild salmon, herring, mackerel, sardines, tuna.
Unshelled Nuts; walnuts, pecans, almonds, hazelnuts and cashew nuts.
Vegetables, especially route; Carrots, peas, turnip, broccoli
Organic eggs
One mechanism for Anterior Cruciate ligament injury is rotation on one femoral condyle. Loss of extensibility in the short head of Bicep femoris causes lateral rotation of the tibia and increases the risk of injury to the Anterior Cruciate ligament. Stretching and de-rotatin the tibia can reduce this risk. This stretch and many others can be found on our streaming service
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